Configuration Utilities for VOIP-500 and VOIP-600 Series Call Stations

Configuration Utilities for VOIP-500 and VOIP-600 Series Call Stations

Note: Version 2.0 Configuration App and associated executables required, there is a link to the files at the bottom of this page.

The Basics


There are four executables included in the configuration utilities, they are ConfigUpdate.exe, FirmwareUpdate,exe, RebootDevice.exe, and RegisterDevice.exe.  They all look to settings.txt for the target ip address, FTP server information and firmware or configuration file.


This application must be run first to register the devices to the local PC as their "WEBS-Contact Paging Server".  These utilities use protocols that were originally created for the former application.


This application is used to instruct the devices at each listed IP to request the same configuration file from the listed FTP server with the credentials provided.


This application is used to instruct the devices at each listed IP to request the same firmware file from the listed FTP server with the credentials provided.


This application is used to instruct the devices at each listed IP to software reboot.  This is typically sent after a configuration update.

Batch Files and Setting Files

Typically we use a batch file to call RegisterDevices.exe, along with ConfigUpdate.exe, FirmwareUpdate.exe or with RebootDevices.exe.  The example below is the batch file used to update firmware.
  1. start RegisterDevice.exe
  2. taskkill /F /IM RegisterDevice.exe
  3. start FirmwareUpdate.exe
  4. taskkill /F /IM FirmwareUpdate.exe
Next is the example Settings.txt  any line starting with a '+' is a comment and not read when processing the files
  1. +++FTP Server Parameters+++++++
  2. FTP_IP:
  3. FTP_USERNAME: taptap
  4. FTP_PASSWORD: taptap

  5. +++Name of Config Template to Apply+++++
  6. +CONFIG_FILENAME: config123.txt

  7. +++Firmware upgrade File name+++++
  8. FIRM_FILENAME: EVP_1.0.3.2

  9. +++Devices IP on which Requests to be sent+++++++
  11. +IP_ADDRESS:

Note: In the above example the Config file line is commented out with ta + so only the firmware update is taking place.
The only limitation to how many IP addresses/devices can be updated from one settings file is based on the limitation of the FTP server that is hosting the files, its bandwidth, and maximum number of concurrent users.
When creating the batch files it is best to place them in the folder with the executables, and the settings files.
There are two ways to execute the batch files. The first is from the command line in the directory they reside in, the second is a shortcut where the "Start in" is set to the folder containing the executables and settings file.

FTP Server and Hosting Files

An FTP server is required for this process as they VOIP-500/VOIP-600 series devices use FTP to retrieve the firmware or configuration files.   This can be any FTP server of your choice.
When setting up the FTP server you will need to create a user,  and set the home or root folder for that user.  It is easiest if that folder contains the files, but sub folder s can be used.

After firmware version there are two or three files that will be needed to update the firmware.  The files include the firmware file, EVP_1.0.x.x , for the appropriate version, there will be one or two md5sum versions depending on the version, the are mdfsum.EVP.1.0.x.x.txt and EVP_1.0.x.x.md5sum.  These two or three files should all be in the same directory that is accessible to the FTP user. 

If the configuration is being updated only the configuration file needs to be present in the FTP folder.   There is no required name for this file.  A template or the current configuration from a device can be downloaded from the Web GUI under Maintenance Firmware Upgrade.  With the configuration file, there is no need to use the entire file, the settings file can be as small as a single line.

When updating configurations it is best to use only one configuration file at a time. This can be pushed to multiple devices, as long as it is not overwriting device specific information like SIP credentials or IP Address.

Once completed you can unregister the phone through the GUI under VOIP>Paging settings.

An FTP server will be needed to host the files.  Filezilla or something similar.

Port 21 UDP inbound will need to be open for the FTP request from the Call station.
Port 3001 UDP will need to be open in both directions.