How to change the Primary phone number on an ETP-400, ETP-500, ETP-100, ETP-103, or ETP-110

How to change the Primary phone number on an ETP-400, ETP-500, ETP-100, ETP-103, or ETP-110

You will need to know the number associated with the telephone line that the Talkaphone is connected to, and the number that the Talkaphone should call when the button is pressed.  This also assume that there is not another device on the line that is controlling the outgoing number.

  1. Call the Talkaphone from another phone.
  2. When it answers it will play a series of tones.
  3. Enter *4** to access programming, you should hear a single tone in confirmation, if you hear a double tone, or a tone before you finish entering the command, repeat the *4** until you hear a single tone afterwards.
  4. To change the primary number enter *13*The phone number to be dialed*, Wait for the single tone in confirmation.
  5. Press # to disconnect.
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