How to do a packet capture on the VOIP-500/VOIP-600 Series IP Call Stations using tcpdump?
1. Login to the VOIP-500/VOIP-600
Call Station console either by using a Serial cable or through SSH.
2. Navigate to the /flash directory- root:/> cd /flash
3. Run the command to start
capturing packets- root:/flash> tcpdump -w call1.pcap
4. Place the test call. End the
call. OR Run the desired test for which the capture is required.
5. Press ctrl-C key on the
keyboard to stop the trace.
6. Run command to view all the
available packet captures- root:/flash>ls *.pcap
-rw-r--r-- 1 root
root 341634 May 5 14:19 call1.pcap
Retrieve the files using the
following FTP commands and email the call1.pcap, db.dat and phonemode
files to Talkaphone support.
<ftp server IP> -u username -ppassword call1.pcap call1.pcap