Download the configuration app and update from this article:
1. Launch the Talkaphone Programming software.
2. Select the device you wish to program.
3. Click the Connect button.
4. If you get a prompt to silence the current alarm, click OK.
5. Selectt he Phone Numbers / Codes / Audio tab.
6. Under the heading Emergency Phone Numbers, in the First box enter the number or extension that you want the AOR-IP-CSE to call.
7. select the IP Settings tab.
8. Select DHCP or Static IP Settings from the Set Unit IP Address via box.
9. If using DHCP select the options for if DHCP Fails.
10. If using static IP assignment, enter the static IP settings.
11. Under SIP Server / Peer to Peer Settings select Server from the drop down list.
12. Enter the Server IP, and user the same IP for the outbound poroxy IP
13. Enter the extension number as the Authentic ID, and username.
14. Enter the password.
15. Click the Apply button to save the settings, the app will disconnect from the device.
If no changes are made make sure to click the Disconnect button.